Wednesday 30 March 2011

M255 - Object-oriented programming with Java (Feb 2011)

This is a level 2 30 point course, and falls nicely into my cunning plan of maximising my current skills whilst picking up the points. Since I've been programming Java since 1998 or around there, I don't expect to be phased by much this course has to present, although I've been a bit surprised by some of the terminology used.

The danger of course is that I'm too complacent and fail miserably.

As the teachers used to say back in my school days "Pay attention boy!" (do they still say that I wonder) I should ask my mate Pete, he'll know :)

MU123 - Discovering mathematics (Oct 2010)

Since I've not studied maths since my school days, over 30 years ago (where has my life gone?), I figured I'd better take the OU advice and take this Level 1 course, to get my head back into gear. It's a bummer that it counts towards most of the B67 degree options, but not when your chosen specialist subject is Maths. The Yorkshireman in me feels like I'm throwing away money and time. However, realistically, I think I've made the right decision, and I've enjoyed it so much I'm looking forward to the tougher maths to come. Bring it on!

Just posted off TMA04, and started on the end-of-module assignment TMA05. I'm hoping to finish that this weekend, which will mean I'm back to just one module again until the next one starts up in May.

M150 - Data computing and information (Oct 2010)

This is (or was on B14) a compulsory level 1 module (30 points), and as expected I've found it a bit of a chore. Basically the programming parts were too easy for me (as well they should be given how long I've been programming) and what I'd describe as the "journalism" parts are not my 'cup of tea'. Still, being mercenary, what has to be done has to be done, and I've sent in my finally assignment well ahead of the cut-off date. Now it's just a waiting game, although marks from my previous assignments give me good reason to believe I will pass.

Where it began

In the summer of 2010 I applied for a job, for which I was over-qualified apart from the small fact that the employer required someone with a degree, which at this time I do not have. I was refused an interview because of this one little omission, it seemed that my 28 years of proven industry experience counted for nothing.

So vowing that this would never happen to me again, and with the added incentives of my age and economic climate likely to count against me if I was to find myself in a similar position in the future, I decided to take positive action.

So, I registered for my first Open University modules, my cunning plan being to do a combined degree of Computing + another subject, my thought being that I'd breeze through the computing parts, and focus my efforts on the other subject, thereby being able to take on a larger workload than otherwise I would have been able to.

So, to cut a long story, B67 Computing + Maths is what I'm doing. (Originally it was B14, but the curriculum changed, so I switched). I started in October 2010, and this blog will track my progress and other related nonsense.