Tuesday 19 March 2013

M208 heading south

Hmm, just 68% for TMA04, and it seems only a few weeks back that I was saying what a disappointment my 79% for TMA03 was.

Well, this reflects the way things are going really, I'm feeling really jaded with the whole OU thing, and I'm struggling with motivation. I've considered just packing it all in, but then again I keep thinkig that there are just a few weeks to go to the exam, and only 3 more M208 TMA's

Although I think it's highly unlikely I will pass M208 at this point (based on the fact that I hardly understand any of it) I may as well continue through to the end of the course and give the exam a shot, as there is always a slight possibility I can scrape a pass.

Monday 18 March 2013

From breadboard to Arduino shield

The initial circuit I made on the breadboard was OK for a quick test to check everything worked as expected, but I needed something a bit more robust with less wires flailing around. So I designed a circuit on stripboard that could be used as a simple Arduino shield. This is much better to work with.

And you know what? It still works!!!
my Arduino shield
... plugged into the Arduino

Sunday 17 March 2013

TM470 Project - time to reveal a bit about it

My project has an element to it that involves some electronics, and I've been informed by my tutor that the building of this hardware part cannot be considered as part of the TM470 project. In other words, I can't get any marks for that part, and as such it doesn't officially form part of my project. It's a shame really, because it's an integral part of my system, and without it there is no project. But those are the rules, so I will have to abide by them.

On the plus side, since this part is not marked, and doesn't form part of the official project, I see no reason at all why I can't write about it here, so from time to time, I intend to write about my progress in this area.

Today I made some positive steps with what I will refer to as my 'bluetooth transmitter'. At this stage, it's just a prototype, and it will eventually be miniaturised somewhat, but the basic idea is the same.

The transmitter unit is based on the Arduino and a cheap bluetooth module from off ebay. The idea is that it takes readings from a wheel/disc and transmits that to the receiver unit which forms another part of my system. I won't say any more about the rest of the system at this stage , as I'm not sure whether that would contravene some of the OU rules.

Here are a few pictures of what I have so far...

bluetooth transmitter on breadboard
hooked up to the Arduino

test rig
sensor and magnet (and rolled up train ticket)
Right now, I have a simple prototype with data being exchanged successfully between a Java program on the PC and the Arduino. More to come later...

Wednesday 6 March 2013

TM470 gets off to a disappointing start

Well, just over a day since I submitted my TMA and it's already marked. A very disappointing 69%. Could be the worst OU mark I've had to date, and I'd put a lot of effort into that paper too.

Problem is I'm more keen on the practical side of things, i.e. 'getting the job done' as opposed to writing and pontificating.

I'll just have to try even harder for the next one I suppose.

Monday 4 March 2013

TM470 first TMA submitted

TMA01 for TM470 was submitted today. Rather late for me, as the deadline is tomorrow, and I'm usually in advance of that. In the end I had to take a day off work to ensure I finished it in time.

I'm keen enough to get the project work done, as the end product is something that I will use myself, but writing the document for the TMA was a real drag, and I enjoyed nothing about the process. I spent ages writing, rearranging, deleting, re-wording etc. with a feeling that it wasn't moving my project forward in any way. All it's done is dampen my enthusiasm.

Still, it's out of the way now, so on with the real project work.