Friday 10 June 2011

I'm an ISTP apparently

I don't usually hold much store by these things, but out of curiosity, I did one of those personality tests (Jung, Briggs Myers or something) and I came out as an ISTP which stands for Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving type.

Elsewhere this had a nickname of "Mechanic" which I quite liked, and was also pleased to see myself alongside such luminaries as Clint Eastwood, James Dean, Frank Zappa and Keith Richards. (always been a bit of a Clint, or at least that's what I though people were saying)

Reading it, I did feel that it was reasonable accurate, so I'll go with it, and if anyone asks then I say "hey, I'm an ISTP" with pride!

Tuesday 7 June 2011

M255 TMA02 Result

Just got this today, and I'm well chuffed with the result. I didn't make any attempt to change my good-coding-habits to the M255 bad-coding-habits on a matter of principle (a bit stupid in retrospect) so I was expecting the worst, and was frankly a bit surprised with the 97% mark I received. I thought that my TMA03 paper was better, but it will be hard to top that, we'll just have to wait and see.

My cunning plan of maximising my skills to achieve a result with the minimal effort seems to be working so far.

M150 TMA05 result

This was the important one for M150, since it didn't form part of the continuous assessment, and I was pretty confident I'd score highly, because I had a choice of programming or non-programming question. Of course I chose the programming one, and I scored 98%, which is OK. I can't be bothered to look where I lost marks.

Now I've passed the module, even if I score zero on the final CMA (which I doubt). Yipee!