Tuesday 28 January 2014

M336 TMA02 marked

99% WTF! I've never scored that high in a Maths TMA before, and what's more, I'm finding this module really tough. I was honestly expecting around 70% for this TMA, but I'll take 99% thank you very much.

This means I already have over the 40% I need for the OCAS part of this module. I can relax a little bit I think.

Saturday 25 January 2014

MT365 2nd CMA result

I scored 95% for this. I'm not sure where I went wrong, as I was half-expecting to get 100%. The feedback isn't available yet, so I'll have to check it later.

So 1 x TMA and 2 x CMA's are marked, and I've already got 33.3% towards the 40% required for a minimum pass of the OCAS (continual assessment) part. For me, it's really all about how well I perform in the exam, which is not usually that great with the maths.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Halfway there

Both TMA02's in the post, and CMA02 submitted before Xmas. This year is going fast. Just 5 months to the exams.