Tuesday 29 November 2011

M255 Result - Distinction!

I haven't posted on here for a while, I'm struggling to get on top of my 2 Maths modules + M257, and work has been more demanding than ever, so finding time is difficult. To be honest, I've been on a bit of a downer about it.

But...tonight I got some good news, my M255 result is up, and it was a distinction. I'm pretty pleased about that, as I didn't think I'd done my very best in the exam.

However, I now have to confess that I didn't even read a single course book. I tried my best to get the OU to accept my experience plus the fact that I'd twice passed the industry standard SCJP (Sun Certified Java Programmer Exam) to allow me some credit transfer, but those were not good enough. Only those with Microsoft or Cisco certifications are afforded that luxury, so I had to spend my £400+ and go through the motions.

But at least the distinction proved my point (if only to myself)