Tuesday 30 July 2013

M208 Success!

This one means a lot to me. I may have only got a grade 3 pass, with the 63% I scored in the exam, but it really took some hard work on my behalf to achieve that.

I've repeatedly replied to friends and family, when asked, that I was in danger of failing this module, only to be met with a flippant "oh, you'll pass" in response, but I wasn't seeking encouragement, I was simply stating the truth, that failure was a real possibility.

In the end I took two weeks off work, and just practiced on past papers, and without this I'm sure the result would have been a different story altogether.

But hey, that's all my level-2 maths out of the way now, just two modules to finish off for this academic year, and then I will study my final two modules starting in October.

TM470 TMA03

It's been some time since I posted, and although I've had this TMA marked for some time, I've not reported on here. The reason being that I was so incensed by some of the comments by my tutor (who I'm not getting on at all well with) that I felt it better I wrote nothing than something I might regret.

Let's just say I was (and am still) not happy, and leave it at that.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

TM470 TMA03 dispatched

I sweated blood over this darned thing, and finally sent it in last night. Already I can think of some things I missed, but hey-ho it's gone now, no point fretting about it. Man, do I hate this module!

I think I should do a ranking of the modules I've done, at some point, TM470 won't be the top, but it will probably have a place on the podium.