Sunday 8 December 2013

Change of tactics, a CMA completed and a TMA marked

I've decided to change tactics to see how it goes. Instead of alternating between MT365 and M336 unit by unit, I'm going a block of units on one, then a block of units on the other. The reason is to try to space out the TMA's/CMA's better. So...

I'm almost at the end of the MT365 block, and have completed the corresponding CMA which isn't actually due for another 6 weeks or so, and I'm well into the TMA too. Let's see how it works out.

I also got back my TMA01 for MT365 late last week and scored 92%. I was a tiny bit disappointed with that as I got 95% for the first TMA on M336, and I thought I would have done better on MT365. Still, it's a decent mark, so I'm not complaining.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Changed the blog title

Since the BSc (Hons) is my target, I changed the blog title to reflect that by adding the (Hons) part.

Letters after my name!

I can now use the letter "BSc Open (Open)" after my name!

I decided to accept an ordinary degree en-route to my honours degree. It feels good in a way, although it's not my ultimate goal.

At least now, I can tick the box "must have a degree" on a job application should I need to in future. I hope I don't need that in the next six months, but one never knows.

Sunday 1 December 2013

MT365 off to a good start too!

100% in CMA41. I think that's the first 100% I've had from memory (I can't be bothered checking back at this stage)