Wednesday 25 May 2011

MS221 - registered

Well, now I've done it! I'm going to tackle two maths modules at once from October. MST121 and MS221. Apparently these two modules are complimentary and designed in such a way that they can be done together, but it's still a bit intimidating. I'd been dithering about registering for MS221 for a while, but it's done now. So I'll just have to wait and see what I've let myself in for.

Saturday 21 May 2011

M253 team working?

2 weeks in, and only two thirds of the "team" have shown up. Unlike in business when there is a team and someone doesn't turn up at meetings etc, there is no manager to call, in fact, no way to even try to contact the no-shows.

I didn't really want to do this module, but I didn't really have an alternative, and it's proving so far to be living up to the reviews of past students.

Saturday 14 May 2011

MU123 It's all over!

I finished TMA05 a few weeks back, but have been waiting for my TMA04 to come back with the PT3 form I needed to post it off. So since that arrived yesterday, I was able to check TMA05, and correct a few small things. Then it was despatched via the Royal Mail.

So that's it! MU123 is all done. Now I just need to wait for my result, which will be a few months.

MU123 - TMA04 results

My TMA04 result came through the post yesterday, worst mark to-date on this module - 90%. My marks have gone downhill gradually since the start. I think I've become a bit blasé about the TMA's since I only have to get over 40% to pass, and there are no grades on the level 1 modules, just a simple pass/fail.

A few simple and stupid errors caused me to lose marks. But heh, if 90% is my worst, it's not all bad.

M255 TMA03 Available

TMA03 showed up today, so I downloaded it and finished it. No problems at all, and this time I tried to do it "their" way as opposed to "my way" as Frank (or Sid) would have said.

Just need to check it for any daft errors, then I'll be submitting it.

Saturday 7 May 2011

M253 off to a bad start

I've not been looking forward to this module, due to the bad write-ups from previous students among other reasons, but I'm trying to approach it with an open mind.

Unfortunately, we're off to a bad start, since all material is on-line, and the first file I need to load gives me a "File not found or not accessible". I called the help desk, but apparently there's nothing that can be done until Monday at the earliest, which has effectively written off this weekend.

The only consolation is that the helpdesk has assured me that everyone will be in the same boat.